Live Oak Beer, Primus Weizenbock, Bavarian-Style
A bavarian-style weizenbock with flavors of clove, banana, and chocolate. Extraordinary lagers & ales craft-brewed in Austin, Texas since 1997 using traditional beer making methods inspired by old-world style beers. Made in the shade. About the Beer: Primus Weizenbock marries dark roasted and rich malt flavors of chocolate, caramel and toffee with Bavarian Hefeweizen yeast notes of clove, banana and vanilla. A sumptuous complex beer with a subtle warming alcohol character. Austin's Original Craft Brewery: Since 1997, Live Oak Brewing Company has been committed to producing delicious, old-school lagers and ales for the enjoyment of passionate beer drinkers of Austin, Texas and beyond. We employ an old-world style of brewing rarely found in America but practices extensively throughout central Europe. We source only the best authentic ingredients, and use a time-consuming mash, open fermentation, and secondary lagering process. The result has achieved both regional and national acclaim, but more importantly, the satisfaction of loyal beer drinkers who appreciate our beer-making efforts. Drink responsibly. Recycle responsibly. Come visit our brewery, taproom and the shadiest biergarten in Austin, all set within a grove of majestic Live Oaks on a patch of prime Texas landscape just a few minutes from downtown Austin and a stones throw from the airport. Go Texan. 8.0% alc/vol.