Bud Light Seltzer Seltzer, Variety Pack, Remix Edition 12 Ea

Looking for answers? Does it taste like seltzer or beer? Seltzer. Is there any Bud Light in it? No. Is it more seltzer-y or more iced tea-y? Yep. Is it gluten free? Yep. Is it free free? No, sorry. Is it for non-beer people? Yep. Is it only for non-beer people? No. Which flavor should i try first? Surprise yourself. Is it classy because it's tea? Pinky out. Is it as great as your other seltzers? Yep. Is it better? We love them all equally. Does it turn my beer fridge into a seltzer fridge? A true philosophical quandary. When is the perfect time to have one? Anytime is tea time.