Roland Quinoa, White, Pre Washed 12 oz

Quinoa was a principal component in the diet of the ancient Incas over 5,000 years ago and has since become a staple in modern kitchens around the world. There are numerous benefits to quinoa; it is not a true grain, it is actually a plant seed, thus making it a gluten-free alternative to traditional grains. Roland White Quinoa has a mildly nutty taste, a creamy white color, and bouncy texture that is adaptable for every cuisine and has limitless potential for culinary applications. Our Quinoa comes pre-washed in order to remove the naturally occurring coating known as saponin in order to improve the nutty taste and still maintain the quinoa's unique texture. Try quinoa toasted, popped, boiled in broth for added flavor, and in both sweet and savory dishes.